Volume Pricing of A2E API

Please note that the price information provided is valid as long as the link remains active. We reserve the right to adjust prices and modify this webpage at any time. Prices are not guaranteed until payment is received or a contract is signed.

We understand that our clients interested in volume pricing typically fall into three categories: Resellers and Affiliates, High Internal Usage, and App Developers.

Volume Pricing OptionsVolume Pricing Options

Coins in Bulk

This option is ideal for resellers, affiliates, or companies that utilize AI avatars in large quantities. We offer a system that allows clients to easily distribute coins to other users. These coins never expire. Synthesizing 1 second of video consumes 1 gold coin. Running streaming avatars consumes 1 gold coin every 5 seconds. The bulk purchase of coins provides significant savings.

CoinsPrice (USD)Cost of avatar video / minuteCost of streaming avatar / minuteDiscount
1,800$19.9$0.663$0.132~30% off
100,000$600$0.36$0.072~64% off
300,000$1,500$0.280$0.06~72% off
1,000,000$4,000$0.240$0.048~76% off
2,000,000$6,000$0.180$0.0036~81% off
> 2,000,000contact us> 85% off

Gold coins do not expire. Using gold coins does not require purchasing a dedicated line. Training one avatar consumes 300 gold coins. Training voice does not consume gold coins.

Unlimited Monthly Plans

For companies or individuals creating a large number of AI avatar videos, our Unlimited Monthly Plan is the best choice. This plan includes voice cloning, avatar creation, face swapping, and AI video synthesis. The monthly plan can be allocated across multiple accounts of www.a2e.ai. However, please note that the Unlimited Monthly Plan does not support API access, making it unsuitable for app developers. Unlimited Monthly Plans also do not support the use of streaming avatars.

# of monthsPrice (USD)Equivalent Monthly Cost

The monthly plan can be allocated across multiple accounts. For instance, if you purchase 12 months, you can distribute them to 3 accounts with 4 months each, or assign all 12 months to a single account.

Dedicated Line

For app developers needing fast response times and “unlimited” access, this option is the most effective. We allocate dedicated GPUs exclusively for your use, ensuring immediate responses to API requests. Synthesizing videos and training avatars do not consume additional gold coins. On average, one dedicated line processes 1 minute of AI video in about 5 minutes.

# of LinesPrice (USD)Max minutes of videos per monthPrice of AI video / minute (assuming max usage)
1$ 599 / month~ 8,640$ 0.0693
1$ 5,999 / year~ 8,640$ 0.0578
4$ 19,999 / year~ 34,560$ 0.0482

Assuming 100% server utilization during the valid period. Synthesizing videos and training avatars do not require additional consumption of gold coins